Sunday, June 13, 2010

in memory of... vs. in honor of.....

IN MEMORY OF.....Honoring the ones you love.... This past weekend we were privileged to attend my daughterʼs 9th ballet recital! This particular studio always does a real ballet--not just filled with dance after dance with no rhyme or reason, but more in the traditional sense in that it tells a story. This year, the story is a timeline of the owner and founder, Denise Brown. What a lovely tribute to this wonderful woman who danced ballet for years, taught countless students over her 80 something years and has opened and maintained a ballet studio for 50 years..... Why am I bringing this up? When my mother-in-law died, we planted a peach tree in our backyard; when my dad died, we planted a beautiful garden outside our family business... But really those acts were for us--for us to remember them..... the one who had passed didnʼt get to enjoy many times we pay a tribute when someone dies....from a picture history video at the funeral to donating fountain or building.... IN MEMORY OF....... But why donʼt we honor

these special individuals when they are alive... Why not change it from IN MEMORY OF to IN

HONOR OF......TELL your mom or dad how much they

mean to you....WRITE THEM a note....... VIDEO THEM telling old family stories....


Honor them now, honor them today......

Dad I love the way you always_____________ when I was growing up. Mom, you always made me feel special when you _______________. Dad, I loved the way you taught me to________________. Mom, My favorite meal growing up was___________________.

No family is perfect so there are things in growing up that you may NOT have liked.... but choose something positive and honor them with that tidbit. It doesnʼt have to be huge or a large project like a ballet but I encourage you to honor those around you and celebrate their life while they are still with you!

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